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Directing for ReOrient 2012


Directing for ReOrient 2012

Christine Young

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I'm thrilled to be directing In The Days That Follow - a new play by the ultra-talented Jen Silverman (also a fellow UIowa alum!) for Golden Thread Production's ReOrient 2012.  It has been pure joy working on this project with a terrifically talented group of artists.  I so enjoy a festival setting because of the opportunities for artistic collaboration and cross-fertilization.

In the Days That Follow is lyrical one-act tells the story of Orh, a former female Israeli soldier, who is on a quest to translate the poems of her favorite poet, Iman.  Unfortunately, Iman is Lebanese and is carrying scars from her personal experience of the armed conflict between the Lebanese and Israelis.   Their intense encounter is both emotionally and politically  provocative.

The show runs Nov 1-18 at Noh Space.  Get your tickets here.